After Dark
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By joining us, you're not just receiving exclusive weekly perks, you're actively contributing to the documentation of history that's on the brink of just being forgotten. Our dedicated team (currently there's two of us) invests countless hours in locating, exploring, researching, and documenting these locations. Your support fuels this important journey into the past, figurative and quite literally.

  • Join our exclusive members-only area, Abandoned Upstate: After Dark, for a behind the scenes look into the world of urban exploration. After Dark is dedicated to those who share our passion for exploring and getting lost in abandoned buildings. Joining After Dark is just one way to directly support our mission to document and preserve these hidden pieces of history.

  • As a member you gain access to that deepens your exploration of history. Enjoy a weekly gallery post, where each abandoned site is showcased with historical images, giving context and life to otherwise somber decay. Additionally, you get early access to our deep dives and special discounts at the Abandoned Therapy store.

  • By joining Abandoned Upstate After Dark, you do more than just get a behind the scenes look; you help ensure that The Abandoned Upstate Project itself doesn't end up like one of the sites we visit, abandoned and forgotten. With just a few dollars a month, your support helps in fueling our journey of discovery and documentation (literally).

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